Everything Titles Authors Series Categories ISBN
British missionaries David and Shirley Donovan were running a health centre in Nigeria when a poundi…
Have you heard of Spurgeon? Preacher, evangelist and stalwart patriarch of the Modern Western Churc…
A true account from the dying days of the Soviet Union that puts life’s choices in perspective…
God's Word directs people's lives. Over a hundred bite-sized, thrilling, biographical sketches from …
Many well known evangelicals have influenced Leith Samuel, and his ministry has touched the lives of…
"Augustine entered both the Church and the world as a revolutionary force, and not merely created an…
William Still's life has always been linked with Aberdeen. Born, brought up and educated in "the gra…
These women made sacrifices for their faith. They endured pain and suffering in order to give glory …
The Cambodian Church was first planted among the rice farmers of North–West Cambodia in the mi…
An Enlightening Exploration of The Christian Church During One of Its Most Turbulent Times. Include…
The recounting of the story of revival on the Scottish Isle of Lewis in the late 1940s. It is a fasc…
Whatever an atheistic state plans, a higher power breaks the chains. Dimitry Mustafin, a Professor o…
The heart-warming tale of Johnny Cornflakes is based on a true story, presented in vivid detail by m…
Fascinating insight into life and faith of 18th century best–selling author, educationalist an…
We all have heroes – people we admire, look up to, and want to be like. Here are twenty–…
This gripping in–depth biography is a must–read insight into a fascinating man. …
What makes Blythswood Care the organisation that it is today? The answer lies in the personal stori…
All three volumes of Helen Roseveare’s autobiography combined for the first time, with a forew…
Columba’s name dominates the narrative of early Scottish Christianity. What was establish…
“Hurt people hurt people. But those who have been called by grace become new creations.”…
It has been many years since there has been a popular level book, which has looked at the life and m…
Read the story of a life lived safely within the lines, that God turned upside down. From social sta…
In the 1980's Leith was an area of great social deprivation characterised by poverty with widespread…
Starting with the crucifixion of Jesus and ending with the 1974 International Congress on World Eva…
These spiritual journals will give readers insight into the heart and mind of one of Britain’s…
Hudson Taylor's philosophy was simple "there is a living God, he has spoken in the Bible. He means w…
Have you ever wanted to travel the world? Perhaps you’d like to visit far away countries and d…
The ride of your life. In Airborne, Jose Zayas compares the journey of the Christian faith to an air…
A promising national swimmer, Maureen McKenna, has to stop the sport she loves on medical grounds. D…
Dr. Gaius Davies introduces us to Martin Luther, John Bunyan, William Cowper, Lord Shaftesbury, Gera…
The influence of Christians is a part of our inheritance and a key factor in the creation of a moral…
Few of us have heard of Catherine von Bora. And yet, as the beloved wife of Martin Luther, she can v…
May Nicholson was a notorious fighting drunk in Ferguslie Park, Paisley until her conversion when sh…
Georgie Orme established a childcare centre in Kenya for the rehabilitation for children with mobili…
When a powerful king learned to read, his people came to understand the true value of God's Word. Wh…
Whispers of Hope is unique. It does not explain how to adopt a child, nor does it provide a comprehe…
D. Martyn Lloyd–Jones and the Holy Spirit: A Theological Assessment With a Foreword by Sincla…
Born in 1932, Lieutenant Colonel Frank Barker was a Fighter Pilot, a Pastor, a Founder of Briarwood …
Isaac Watts(1674-1748) is one of the best-known hymn-Writers in history. He wrote over 700 hymns inc…
John Knox, more than any other man, laid the foundations of democracy, revitalised Church and Govern…
William Wilberforce (1759-1833) was a truly inspiring man. An evangelical Christian, he was the key…
The Armed Forces live in a different world. It can be a closed life with enormous pressures - after …
Eddie’s criminal career began at nine years old. Between the ages of fourteen and twenty&ndash…
It began like a fairytale-amidst mint juleps and magnolias in Mississippi. But as their love grew, i…
Suspicion, hatred and killing was what marked the Shuar and Atshuar Indians. The first missionaries…
The Gurvsy family arrived in China during 2017. Two years later they were back home, reeling from th…
This book contains the stories of ten women whose circumstances and choices led them to a place that…
I think there is real hope to be found, in the middle of our deepest traumas, in the good news about…
George Whitefield, regarded as the preaching wonder of his day, and John Newton, one of the leading …
Tom Nettles examines the life of one of the world’s most famous preachers. He isolates key con…
Rutherford played a major role as a reformer at the Westminster Assembly and was also a crucial fig…
The galleries of the great heroes of faith contain many inspirational women; although not always pla…
Known primarily for his allegorical work, The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan was also a preac…
Robert Murray M’Cheyne was a 19th century preacher who is known not only for his powerful prea…
The history of seventeenth century England was tumultuous. During this period England underwent a c…
May Nicholson's story, told so powerfully in Miracles from Mayhem and More Miracles from Mayhem, tel…
Set within a wider socio-political and religious context this book takes a close look at the impact …
"I was supposed to have been aborted... but that is not my identity. I was abandoned, abused, and ki…
Many biographies of Christians begin at the point of the subject's conversion, with little attention…
Since the publication of 'A child called "it"' by Dave Pelzer there hasn't been a story like this. B…
Weaving together biography and theology, Robert Letham delves into the life and influence of twelve …
Theodore Beza? Who is he? Why should I care about him?Well, I'm glad you asked!Theodore Beza was a m…
Richard Cecil's classic biography of Newton is considered to be his 'authorised' biography as he bot…
Doctor Helen Roseveare, affectionately called Mama Luka, pioneered vital medical work in the Rain fo…
Ghana is considered one of the success stories of West Africa. Its government is relatively stable a…
Life can hurt deeply! But who do we turn to in such times of darkness and adversity? It might be thr…
Matthew Henry (1662–1714) is highly–valued by contemporary preachers and Bible users. He…
Lionel Ball served as a London City Missionary most of his working life. A whole generation of Lond…
Robert Murray McCheyne was born in 1813 and died in 1843. His life, was nothing short of extraordin…
In Miracles from Mayhem May Nicholson told the story of how she went from being a drunk no–hop…
Bite–sized biographies of inspirational Christian women. Spanning two millennia and multiple …
Ten fascinating bite–sized biographies of the Christians people expect you to know. While Chr…
Christopher Catherwood summarises the lives of Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, Thomas Cr…
Wielding the Sword is a great introduction to the men who preached and the women who taught God's Wo…
They were, much like us, ordinary citizens of their time. Yet their extraordinary lives resound thro…
We shouldn't be surprised when we have the examples in the Bible of David and Saul of Tarsus! John P…
Andy and Jennifer Gill from Fife in Scotland tell the story of their "gorgeous boy" Oliver who was w…
There are many heroes in the Chinese church. Today, humanly speaking, it should not exist - having b…
His eyes were on the prize. For Eric Liddell, there was only one race to run and only one glory to g…
“There is more to life than football, fame and fortune. There is a greater joy and a greater g…
Erasmus was born in 1469 so you might not have heard of him; to his contemporaries this would be un…
Protection. Prayer. Providence. People. People throughout history have shared stories to entertain…
From all backgrounds, nationalities and cultures people are remarkably different but also intriguing…
Nine people, all of them Christian workers with the mission agency WEC International, describe lesso…