May Nicholson's story, told so powerfully in Miracles from Mayhem and More Miracles from Mayhem, tells of how she went from being a drunk no-hoper to establishing Preshal, a Christian trust based in one of the most needy areas of Glasgow. The work of Preshal and its impact continue to challenge and inspire. In Renewing Broken Lives you will find May's story and the story of Preshal interwoven with the stories that men and women tell of their own lives. The book will be sure to move readers to tears, to laughter and to prayer.

About Irene Howat
Irene Howat is an award–winning author and poet who lives in Scotland. She has published many biographical books for all ages and is particularly well–known for her biographical material. She has written many books about the lives of different Christians from around the world. She has also written an autobiographical work entitled ‘Pain My Companion’.