In Home Safe, Roger has mined out precious jewels from reformed thinkers before us. And then Roger further shines the Gospel on those jewels so that the beauty of God’s grace and Christ’s finished work sparkles brightly on every page! I was blessed to be reminded from Scripture of the assurance believers have in Christ. I look forward to using Home Safe at home and in the church and seeing God work through it to bring peace and joy to many Christians!
Jathan Newton
Pastor, Abounding Grace Church, Visalia, California
Here we have wise pastoral counsel for troubled souls from great men of the past, astutely set in context by Roger Ibrahim. It will warm any Christian’s heart with the love of Jesus and help many pastors to encourage their people.
John Benton
Director of Pastoral Support, The Pastors’ Academy, London Seminary, London, UK
Roger Ibrahim has produced a fascinating little treasure trove of quotes to inject renewed confidence into our often faltering souls. This is not a series of superficial ‘one liners’.
Each entry, alongside Ibrahim’s judicious commentary, could form the basis of a meaty devotional, or preachers could select a few for a sermon series. Doing further research on each of these spiritual giants would uncover further riches.
Jeremy McQuoid
Teaching Pastor, Deeside Christian Fellowship, Aberdeen, Scotland and Chair of Council, Keswick Ministries
… an overflowing trove of teaching and encouragement on the assurances the Lord has given to His people.
Barry York
President and Professor of Pastoral Theology and Homiletics, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
With a deft touch, Roger Ibrahim has selected the most helpful words of pastoral theologians of the past on the issue of assurance. These quotations deserve to be memorized and used again and again in counsel with those who struggle with assurance of salvation. A most helpful addition.
Derek W. H. Thomas
Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
… a rich treasury of wisdom from the past that directs us to look to the mighty acts of our triune God and the truths of His Word as the proper basis for assurance of salvation. For all who struggle in this area, this book will cheer and guide.
Gregg R. Allison
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky