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Michael A. Milton uncovers the treasures of one of the Bible’s regularly overlooked books in this pastoral treatment of Leviticus.
God’s call changed everything for the Israelites. Amid the vast, severe wilderness landscape of the Sinai region, in sun–scorched sorrow and disappointment over a recent national sin – the creation and worship of an idol of smelted jewelry – life abruptly changes. With the first line of Leviticus, “And the Lord called,” God interrupts time and space, regret and reason, futility and hope. He reveals the pattern of the gospel: the holiness of God, the problem of human sin, God’s plan of salvation, His call to holiness through His gracious provision. He shows a way for sinful humans to live in the presence of a holy God.
Leviticus for modern–day Christians
This call doesn’t just affect the ancient Israelites – Milton shows how Leviticus still speaks to Christ’s followers today. This book of the law points consistently to Jesus, the fullness and fulfilment of every antitype. It reveals to us in stark terms the abhorrence of sin, and the barrier it creates between mankind and God.
Beginning with a helpful overview of Leviticus, and after providing some beneficial information about its title, authorship, time and biblical context, Milton tackles the book in four sections:
Called to Worship (chapters 1–7)
Called to Ministry (chapters 8–10)
Called to Purity (chapters 11–16)
Called to Holiness (chapters 17–27)
Throughout, we see how this call applies not only to the ancient Israelites, but also to us.
Get into this fascinating book
Approaching God will be excellent for personal bible study, or for a pastor or small group leader working through the book.
In this important new commentary, Michael Milton connects Leviticus to the overall metanarrative of Scripture and affirms its integral role in redemptive history. … both accessible and faithful to biblical and theological truths. I highly recommend Approaching God.
Robert J. Pacienza
Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Leviticus is a misunderstood and neglected, but important biblical book. Dr. Milton masterfully handles Leviticus in this work as a pastor–scholar. Additionally, he shepherds his readers through the unfolding drama of the redemption to the practical importance of Leviticus for every area of life. Please pick up this excellent work. You’ll be thankful you did and helped as you read this work to better read and understand Leviticus.
Dave Jenkins
Executive Director, Servants of Grace Ministries
Michael A. Milton is President and Senior Fellow of the D. James Kennedy Institute and holds the James Ragsdale Chair of Missions and Evangelism at Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, South Carolina.
ISBN 9781527111561
Author Michael A. Milton
Imprint Focus
Category Bible Study & Commentaries
Page Count 184
Width 216 mm
Height 138 mm
Weight 0.235 kg
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