Everything Titles Authors Series Categories ISBN
When Rebekah helped the servant at the well, she discovered that he was on a special journey. Solve…
When Jonah ran away from God he found himself in deep trouble! He should have listened to God ... …
You'll be amazed by King Solomon! People travelled from far and wide to hear him. Why was he so fam…
David had a tough job looking after his father's sheep. After fighting the wild bear and the roaring…
Lots more puzzles for 8–12 year olds; based on the New International Version of the Bible.
Mary and Joseph have travelled to Bethlehem. There is no room for them in the inn and Mary is going …
Jesus and his disciples arrive at the City of Jerusalem... but it's not a safe place for Jesus to be…
Only by solving the puzzles will you be able to find out what happens to Marcus, Melissa, London and…