Join the #AskPastorCol Twitter Party & Giveaway on September 16!
New Releases, Updates and More

Got Questions About Prayer?
If you could ask any question about prayer, what would it be?
Bring this question and others to a Twitter Party all about the topic of prayer! On Wednesday, September 16 at 3pm CT, Pastor Colin will be on Twitter answering your toughest questions, like:
- Who do we pray to? God, Jesus, or the Spirit?
- What should I ask for in prayer?
- Is there a wrong way to pray?
- And more!
Use the hashtag #AskPastorCol to tweet to Pastor Colin (@PastorColinS) and follow the conversation. The Twitter Party will be hosted by @UnlckngtheBible.
To RSVP for the Twitter party, go to

Colin S. Smith
About Colin S. Smith:
Colin S. Smith is Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. His preaching ministry is shared through the daily radio program, Unlocking the Bible and through his website,
Books by Colin S. Smith: