The outlines, illustrations and explanations are first class. With skill and sensitivity the writer gets below the radar and detonates the parable right on your lap. This is a must for the preacher's bookshelf on the parables.
The Covenanter Witness, Magazine of the Reformed Presbyterian Churches of Scotland and Ireland
"...lively illustration and contemporary application. The parables are thus allowed to do their intended work of getting under the reader's radar and shaping his or her worldview. In each case the authors take the biblical text seriously and seek to understand it within its contexts. Helpful for all readers, this book can also act as a useful standard for any would-be expositor to see how it is done."
English Churchman
Have you ever asked about a familiar parable, "What was Jesus teaching?" Do you have to teach the parables in Sunday School, Bible class or club? This book will help to sharpen up your thinking and prevent bland story-telling. It will also suggest ideas and illustrations for preachers and make good devotional reading material.