'In this work Spurgeon lives again not merely as a preacher but as a teacher of preachers for his generation and ours. Eswine honestly explores the strengths and weakness, theology and practice, personality and passions of Spurgeon to guide us on a path toward sound, gracious, and Spirit-empowered preaching for our time.'
Bryan Chapell, Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America, Lawrenceville, Georgia
'Zack Eswine has blessed all who care about preaching by giving us something we need--a down-to-earth theology of preaching made vivid by the exceptional life, ministry, and thought of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Spurgeon's quest to let the Bible itself shape his preaching and the Holy Spirit give it power supplies a timely paradigm for those of us who preach today. Eswine's well- documented treatment of the subject distills Spurgeon's intentional practice in a way that promises to challenge, convict, instruct, but especially to encourage us to keep preaching in the confident expectation that God will speak when we preach in ways that reflect how he has spoken to us.'
Greg Scharf, Chair of the Pastoral Theology Department and Professor of Pastoral Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois
'Spurgeon comes alive in these pages! Zack Eswine has done a masterful job. This book, like Spurgeon's sermons, feeds the mind and stirs the heart.'
Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
'The author, through well chosen quotations from Spurgeon's autobiography, his lectures and his sermons, enables us to understand the secret of Spurgeon's powerful impact for the kingdom of God, not only in the South East London but arouond the World... This book is higly recommended for everyone who has been called to preach. It will also prove helpful for Christians who prayerfully suppport the work of their minister.'
Robert McCollum, The Covenanter Witness, (Magazine of the Reformed Presbyterian Churches of Scotland and Ireland)
"As hard as it may be for 21st century preachers to believe, Charles Spurgeon dealt with many of the same challenges today's preacher's face. In Kindled Fire, Zack Eswine allows us to sit at the feet of this powerful pulpiteer and gain insights from the life and ministry of one of the greatest preachers in the history of the church. Throughout the pages of this fascinating book, the reader feels drawn into Spurgeon's presence and receives valuable counsel as if from the great preacher's own lips. This is a volume that is both enjoyable and rewarding."
Michael Duduit, Editor, Preaching magazine
"A masterful book by a preacher, about a preacher, and for preachers—and all those who love a good sermon. Zack Eswine, professor of homiletics at Covenant Theological Seminary, explores the life and ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon and presents timeless truths about the call to ministry, theology for preaching, style and content, the preacher's power and struggles. Thoughtful questions for learning and discussion follow each of the thirteen chapters."