"Carl Trueman affirms the historic evangelical faith with great force and clarity and with excellent judgement. The inspiration and authority of Scripture, the atonement, justification, the importance of systematic theology, and of the historic creeds and confessions, are here given a ringing affirmation. Dr. Trueman is fearful that at the very time when our crazy world needs the four-square gospel more than ever it is being seriously weakened by the influence of postmodernism, consumerism, and the loss of a sense of history, both in the church and the Christian academy. The author would be happy enough if these essays make you think, but happier still if they persuade you to think - and to act - as an unashamed evangelical."
Paul Helm, Emeritus Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London
"Volumes of collected essays depend not on the topic so much as the author to draw our interest. I cannot think of a young evangelical writer and theologian whose works I more eagerly read than Carl Trueman."
Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President, 9Marks.org, Washington, DC
"Dr. Trueman has the wit of a modern day evangelical Chesterton, the prophetic insight of a Francis Schaeffer and the accessibility of a John Stott. This is a book to read and re-read... this is not the cheap point scoring of tabloid theology."
Melvin Tinker , (1955–2021), Vicar of St John’s Newland, Kingston upon Hull, England
"Essential reading even if some of the blows come home all too easily. The church needs this prophetic analysis of our self-centered churches and organizations."