Enriches our understanding.
Darryl G. Hart, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Delaware
This book will bless you and warm your mind and heart... opens the doctrines of grace in a practical and appealing manner, while maintaining his theological integrity.
... easy to read, cogently articulated, and helpful to anyone who needs encouragement or a refresher course on the doctrines of grace. They would also be a challenging witness for a non-Christian to read. I commend this book for personal reading and family or group study.
Equip for Ministry
Doctrinally clear and well-illustrated, this is an ideal introduction for people new to the doctrines of grace, as well as being a refreshing read for more experienced readers.
Banner of Truth
Terry Johnson's When Grace Comes Home is to be welcomed.
Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
Rarely can the vitamin content of sweet, strong, classic pastoral Calvinism have been made so plain and palatable as it is here.
J. I. Packer, (1926–2020), Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada
If God is sovereign why evangelise? Why bother to pray? What about free will? And how do we square sovereignty with the presence of evil? Such questions are covered as Johnson focuses on eleven themes believing that a Biblical understanding of sovereign grace will give us the answers, without removing the mystery... a heart warming and well argued book which will thrill those who share his convictions and challenge those of other persuasions.
Christianity Magazine
With much practical wisdom and help for Christian thinking and living, this book makes good application of good theology.
W. Robert Godfrey, President Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Westminster Seminary in California, Escondido, California
Terry Johnson has provided a splendid work on how right theology bears upon our worship, character, suffering and growth in the Christian life.
James Montgomery Boice, Late pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
He manages to make theology what it ought always to be... I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Derek W. H. Thomas, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
... writes well and if you want a fresh approach to some well-worn themes, this is the book for you. His coverage of Law and Liberty is stimulating as is his dealing with Prayer and with Guidance.
This book comes with strong recommendations of various worthies in America, to which I would like to add my own pennyworth.