I am an 8 year old girl who loves reading books. I think it is fantastic.
Amy Kinsella,Ireland
i thought it was brill!
Sandra Meredith, Portadown
... a classic story of one man's faith against all odds. Though these events happened some years ago, this kind of persecutionstill goes on in many parts of the world. A challenging and inspiring read.
Christian Herald
The story of Richard Wurmbrand's imprisonment and torture by the Secret Police in Romania is vividly told. Wurmbrand was wonderfully upheld by the grace of God, despite prolonged inhumane treatment and brain-washing techniques. Reading the book should make us value more than ever the freedom we enjoy and so often take for granted.
The author, a young person herself, writes especially for younger folk but those more advanced in years will find the book just as interesting and informative.