Murray Pura has written a significant study of the key influences on the thought and spirituality of William Wilberforce, one that should be consulted by anyone seeking to understand the great abolitionist.
Donald M. Lewis, Editor, The Blackwell Dictionary of Evangelical Biography
"Some books, said Bacon, should be tasted (and then left), some swallowed (that is, read casually), and "some few chewed and digested," that is read through with care and thought. This book flows so smoothly that it could easily be swallowed, but with Christian role-models of stature currently in such short supply I believe it belongs in Bacon's third class; and it is as such that I recommend it to you."
J. I. Packer, (1926–2020), Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada
"The relatively brief account of the life of William Wilberforce deserves to be widely read by modern Evangelicals. The book records how God honoured Wilberforce's devotion in amazing ways. It is well written, thought-provoking, challenging and encouraging,and is highly recommended."
Evangelical Times
If one wishes to know how William Wilberforce came to be who he was, what he believed and how he acted upon it, read Murray Pura's Vital Christianity. This book is, and I hope will be for years to come, an invaluable resource.