R. T. Kendall is a man of deep commitment to the Bible and wants others to know it, love it and understand it.
Billy Graham, World famous evangelist
Understanding Theology I-III- Who should have these books? Buy them for lay preachers and Sunday School teachers known to you. They will be immensely helped by them. If you are a minister or somebody else with theological training, you may think them too simple for your own bookshelves, but are you really sure of that? I have had the privilege of teaching theology for 52 years but I am very glad to have these now as additions to my own library. I may keep a book-shaped gap next to them, in case there is a forth volume!
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology
I admire his courage and his perseverance, and I value the times we spent together.
John Stott, (1921-2011), Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, Langham Place, London
I am privileged to call this good man my friend.
James Dobson, Founder of Focus on the Family Ministries
This book is for pastors, church leaders, students and all Christians who feel that the time is overdue to come to terms with theology but who have found it boring and hard. 'R T' strives not only for simplicity but balance: matching the practical with the cerebral, the Spirit with the Word.