"Since its inception over a century ago, and throughout the following years, the Documentary Theory of Pentateuchal origins has never gone unchallenged. It is the strength of Dr Garrett's study of Genesis that he goes beyond (mere) criticism of this extraordinarily resilient theory to the development of a credible and extremely illuminating, indeed, compelling alternative - one that is thoroughly biblical, impeccably scholarly and true to the pervasive Mosaism of the Pentateuchal books. This is a book deserving a wide readership and no reader will put it down un-rewarded. Heartiest congratulations to Christian Focus on its publication."
Alec Motyer, (1924–2016) Well known Bible expositor and commentary writer
"An original and stimulating discussion which provides a measured critique of the "assured results of higher criticism" but, from a conservative evangelical perspective, seeks to determine the sources that lie behind Genesis. Drawing especially upon insights from form criticism and structuralism the author offers a constructive analysis of possible literary origins."
Stephen Dray, Minister, Ferndale Baptist Church, Southend-on-Sea, England
"Provides not only the most convincing refutation of the documentary hypothesis now in print, but also suggests a convincing alternative analysis of how the Pentateuch came to be. The volume is a model of careful scholarly reasoning, written in an engaging manner with a minimum of technical jargon and a maximum of thoughtful argumentation. Here is a book that biblical scholars everywhere will be compelled to take account of."