"Dr Reymond calls us straight to justification by faith as the central issue of the conflict; so immediately we know where we stand and why. The argument is clear, whether he is demonstrating the flawed basis of authority in Rome or expressing disappointment at J I Packer's signing of Evangelical and Catholics Together."
Evangelical Times
"The Christian public is indebted to Dr. Reymond for producing such a lucid and incisive volume evaluating modern attempts to rejoin Protestant churches with the Roman Catholic Church... The reader will be well informed by this decisive, but irenic, rejection of the notion that the Roman Church has always embraced the biblical concept of justification by faith."
Richard Mayhue, Research Professor of Theology Emeritus, The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California
"Dr Reymond clearly demonstrates in this monograph that there are serious doctrinal differences between the Roman catholic teaching and Biblical Christianity... I am confident the reader will find this work clear, fair and accurate. I highly commend its close reading"
R. C. Sproul, (1939 – 2017) Founder & Chairman of Ligonier Ministries, Orlando, Florida
"Robert Reymond is to be warmly commended for producing such a lucid book on the reformation controversy with Rome, and why that controversy must continue even today."
Nick Needham, Lecturer in Church History, Highland Theological College, Dingwall, Scotland
"This is an important book dealing with the great doctrine of Justification by Faith alone. Roman Catholicism brings works into it by some form or other, therefore denying the clear words of Holy Scripture."
British Church Newspaper
"the serious purpose of the work - that the true gospel and the salvation of souls are at stake - make this recommended reading for contemporary evangelicals."