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Ivan and the Informer

Ivan and the Informer

Myrna Grant
  • £4.99
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We love Ivan books...but I can't find a venue to tell of a mistake on the back of her book in the 1988 printing:

On the back cover, in the ISBN box on the left, under CF4.K it says, "Because you're never to young to know Jesus"

No come on, people! You are PUBLISHERS, for crying out loud! (TOO young...not TO young!!!)

Becky Hunter

My father read "the Ivan books" to me and my brother as children 25 years ago, and now I am reading them to my 7 year old. I still had a hard time putting it down at the end of a chapter! It is a great story, but also is an incredible reminder of what persecution Christians have endured in the name of Christ for centuries. I highly recommend them, but be careful, they do make you think and bring up lots of questions.

Katie, Georgia USA

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