"This extraordinary book is both a rigorous evaluation of healing ministries in the 20th century, and an excellent source of biblical teaching on the healing. Unlike many evangelical sceptics, the author believes in healing and includes an amazing testimony from his own ministry. And unlike many Pentecostals and charismatics, he has a clear-minded approach and concern for evidence that can only be of benefit to the Kingdom of God."
I can only hope this book is widely read, not least by those with incurable sickness. Certainly, it should be compulsory reading for anyone wanting to understand the nature of any distinctively Christian ministry of healing.
Triple Helix- Christian Medical Fellowship Magazine
This extraordinary book is both a rigorous evaluation of healing ministries... and an excellent source of biblical teaching on healing. Unlike many evangelical sceptics, the author believes in healing and includes an amazing testimony from his own ministry. And unlike many pentecostals and charismatics, he has a clear-minded approach and concern for evidence that can only be of benefit to the Kingdom of God. ...I recommend it to pastors and think it deserves a place on any collection of books on the subject.