Zack Eswine is the sage our modern church culture needs. He will deny it, but that will prove the point. Wisdom seeps out of every pore of this book.
Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author and speaker
… a profound and deeply human guide to embodying Christ–like wisdom …
Dan Steel, Principal, Yarnton Manor, Oxford
Zack has given us a true treasure—poetic yet practical, bold yet compassionate. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Scripture and beautifully original, this book will draw you closer to Jesus and lead you into a life of wholeness and joy.
Ken Shigematsu, Pastor, Tenth Church, Vancouver, British Columbia; author, ‘God in My Everything’
I have long appreciated Zack’s thoughtful pastoral wisdom. What a delight to see him apply this through the biblical theme of wisdom, inviting us to humbly and imperfectly find in Jesus the wisdom we need for our complex lives.
Jonathan T. Pennington, Professor of New Testament, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky; author, ‘Jesus the Great Philosopher’
In a culture that idolises the new and the strong, the Bible’s ancient voice of wisdom gets drowned out or ignored. What’s needed is for some in our generation to plumb its depths and then translate afresh the better way in the old, old story, and this Zack has achieved superbly.
Mark Meynell, Director (Europe and Caribbean), Langham Partnership
In a culture that offers endless opportunities to hone our skills and our knowledge, Zack Eswine invites us to hone our wisdom. I closed this book feeling deeply loved, expertly counseled, and filled with hope.
Kelly Needham, Wife and mom of five; author, ‘Purposefooled’ and ‘Friendish’
… an invitation to trade all of your folly for an afternoon with Jesus – through the accessible, deep, poetic and graceful language of Zack Eswine.