Page after page, I smiled from ear to ear. … This is theology at its best, fueling serious joy.
David Mathis, Executive Editor, desiringGod.org; Pastor, Cities Church, Minneapolis/St Paul
… convincingly shows how vital affirming the beauty of Christ is for both theology and the Christian life. Readers would do well to give this book a slow read and marvel at the beauty of the Lord.
Ronni Kurtz, Assistant Professor of Theology, Cedarville University, Ohio; author, ‘Fruitful Theology: How the Life of the Mind Leads to the Life of the Soul’
… accessible and deep, precise and gentle. ‘The Unvarnished Jesus’ will serve as an antidote to spiritual lethargy and inspire anew your worship of our glorious Christ.
Gloria Furman, Author, ‘A Tale of Two Kings’ and ‘Labor with Hope’
More than once, I put down this book mid–sentence in awe of all the beauty Christ has given me to behold.
Matthew Barrett, Associate Professor of Christian Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri
In a world that doesn’t recognize true Beauty, Parkison offers much needed corrective lenses, helping us savor the excellence of Christ.
John Folmar, Senior Pastor, United Christian Church of Dubai
Both highly accessible and unabashedly deep, this is a must–have resource on the beauty of our Savior.
Harrison Perkins, Pastor, Oakland Hills Community Church (OPC), Farmington Hills, Michigan; author, ‘Righteous by Design: Covenantal Merit and Adam’s Original Integrity’
… Parkison’s work trains our taste so that we properly value what, or Whom, is objectively Beautiful.