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God’s Daring Dozen Box Set 3A Minor Prophet Series

God’s Daring Dozen Box Set 3

A Minor Prophet Series

Brian J. Wright and John R. Brown
  • £29.99
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Love this whole set!

The “God’s Daring Dozen” book sets:
– Encourage biblical literacy
– Make the minor prophets accessible
– Fill a big gap in the children’s publishing industry by sharing about stories your child may not have read before

These books help kids learn about lesser known Bible characters and the lessons we can learn from them.

You’ll find lots of quotations in these books because many of them are truly just paraphrases of the biblical text. Depending on the book, it can be told more like a story summary (Hosea, Jonah, etc.) while others are almost entirely a paraphrase chapter by chapter (Nahum).

These books stress the importance of the whole Bible, not only in their subject content of sharing the minor prophets but also in their inclusion of the full story: for instance in Jonah, many other children’s books end with Jonah delivering the message to the Ninevites and their repentance but this one also includes what happens after the message where Jonah is angry at God in his encounter at the shaded plant.

One note: the pastor at my church has comedically said in sermon recently “you won’t find this in a children’s book or a veggie tales episode” when teaching on difficult passage… These ones challenge that statement with lots of depictions of God’s judgment, people’s sin, etc. that I would recommend a pre–read to make sure you determine an appropriate age in your home.

I received a review copy of this set. All opinions are my own.

Lexi @agoodbookhunt

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