John Bunyan knew by experience the richness and freeness of God’s love and grace. And, as a result, his corpus is powerfully drenched with heart–felt, biblical Christianity.
Michael A. G. Azad Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
This 365–day journey through the works of Bunyan will nourish the spirit and give a good grasp of the sanctified literary treasury that constitute the Bunyan corpus of literary production. … an excellent treat to look forward to every day.
Tom Nettles, Senior Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
John Bunyan’s was a heart full of love for the Lord, His Word, and His people, and to read his writings is to encounter the Balm of Gilead that cleanses, renews, and strengthens the weary heart.
Jacob Tanner, Pastor, Christ Keystone Church, Middleburg, Pennsylvania; author, ‘The Tinker’s Progress: The Life and Times of John Bunyan’
… Christ–centered, gospel–saturated, and experiential collection of John Bunyan’s personal and theological reflections. May the Lord richly bless your year with the persecuted tinker, brilliant allegorist, and fiery preacher of Bedford!