Terry Johnson has done it again. Brief, clear, and brimming with practical wisdom gleaned from nearly 40 years of ordained ministry, this resource is unparalleled.
Neil Stewart, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
… the kind of book that every seminary student should read before beginning his ministry and a ready reminder to serving pastors of the deep significance of what they do every Lord’s Day in leading people in their corporate engagement with God.
Iver Martin, Principal, Edinburgh Theological Seminary, Edinburgh, Scotland
Not only will pastors be helped by this excellent little book but so too will sessions and church members who may need reminding what precisely it is that pastors are called and ordained to do.
Todd Pruitt, Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Johnson offers some of the most practical advice anywhere on public prayer … I particularly appreciated his emphasis on how public prayer should utilize the language of Scripture, noting that one ought no more to pray without preparation than to preach without preparation. We greatly need this book.