Great information about the Tabernacle
Kids can learn about the Exodus of the Israelites in Danika Cooley’s newest three books in her Who, What, Why Series. Who was Moses?, What was the Tabernacle?, and Why Did the Exodus Happen? Are easy to understand and perfect for children to learn more about God through the stories of His people and the Bible.
Danika uses the English Standard Version Bible to quote verses and she does an excellent job pointing kids to Jesus and His sacrifice for us with each book topic.
Each book has approximately 90 pages. There’s no assigned number of pages for your child to read every day, so you and your child can take each book at his/her own pace. There are plenty of black and white pictures that go along well with each topic.
I love the free downloadable and printable lapbook elements that you can get for each book. They make the information really stick while the child does their hands–on activities. These lapbooks will be treasures for your child to look at in the future.
I highly recommend Danika Cooley’s Who, What, Why: Exodus series to any Christian family that wants their children to learn more about the Exodus, and also to any children church or Sunday school teacher who needs a quick lesson and project.
Ellen W
great living history book
What Was the Tabernacle? explains why God set it up for His people with plain language / easy–to–understand narrative. This book is written for children, but without dumbing it down. It is informative and exciting. It is a great read–aloud book for the entire family. I love the timeline at the end to help us understand the story better. This is exactly what I look for when adding “living history” books to our library! I own the entire series and recommend them all! The illustrations are great, too!
Clarissa R. West
Great Biblical History Book!
This book provides a deep–dive into not only the details of the tabernacle, but the why it was created, pointing to God’s great plan of redemption for all His people through Jesus. My kids began the book thinking they ‘already know about the tabernacle’ but quickly realized there is so much more to it and have enjoyed the way the author weaves it all together!
Connects Old Testament to New
This is what I love – Danika does not just present isolated Bible stories but shows how the Old Testament points to Christ. If you want a Gospel–centered resource, you will love these books.
Abby Banks @ Homeschool with Moxie
Amazing book!
Another wonderful book from Danika! She has a great writing style that makes it easy to read and understand the concepts! Love this book for kids of all ages! I love that she includes Bible verses and shows how it relates to our lives. The drawings are a wonderful addition as well! I would highly recommend this!
Designed for Kids to Understand
One of the MANY things I love about Danika Cooley’s book What Was the Tabernacle is that it doesn’t start with a deep dive into the tabernacle itself. It starts with Who God is, who we are, and why we need God to provide the way for us to be together. It shows how God’s desire has always been to be with His people, but because of our rebellion against Him, we need a way to be forgiven of our sin so we can be with Him again. Danika’s book shows how God gave us shadows in the Old Testament, such as through the sacrifices and the Tabernacle, of what He was ultimately going to do through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And Danika does it all in an engaging way that is perfectly designed for kids to understand and relate to. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has kids or works with them. It’s an excellent tool for helping them grow in their understanding of and their relationship with God.