… offers practical guidance for creating healthy, Christ–centered, and edifying pastoral coalitions. May the irenic spirit of which Littlefield speaks prevail in our day for the sake of Christ and His kingdom!
Joel R. Beeke, Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
… a gift to those who operate as lone rangers. Make time to read it, and make time to do it … for the Kingdom.
Liam Garvie, Associate Pastor, Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland
… a groundbreaking, yet ageless guide for pastors, urging them to unite with like–minded peers to foster vibrant, flourishing communities of faith springing forth from their own dedication to kingdom living.
Robert Smith Jr., Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama
This book will show you both the importance and the how of forming a group of likeminded men for the fight we engage as ministers of Christ. Take it to heart and put it into action.
Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina
This book calls pastors to prepare for this reality by forming friendships—forming brotherhoods—with other pastors, so together they can bless, equip, and encourage one another. I believe every pastor will benefit from reading it and following its counsel.
Tim Challies, Author, ‘Seasons of Sorrow’
… cuts to the chase and gives workable strategies for building a coalition of pastors in a local community who will join arms to multiply gospel work. I encourage you to read this book and to put its message into practice.
Phillip Newton, Director of Pastoral Care and Mentoring, The Pillar Network Wake Forest, North Carolina; author, ‘40 Questions about Pastoral Ministry’
The kingdom of Christ is bigger than your church, pastor. Joel Littlefield’s enthusiasm for pastors partnering together just may point you to a crucial aspect of kingdom ministry you’ve missed.
Jonathan Leeman, Editorial Director, 9Marks
When the church is facing an epidemic of discouragement, Joel calls us to the readily available vaccine of kingdom–minded togetherness. I have a sense that this may spark off a renewed movement of doctrinally–aligned and missionally–driven pastors.