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Letters and Travels By C. H. Spurgeon

Letters and Travels By C. H. Spurgeon

C. H. Spurgeon and Kevin Belmonte
  • £9.99
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In a day when pastors are burned out and Christians are weary, these letters are a reminder that rest is God’s good gift. In his travels, Spurgeon models for us how we can enjoy God’s world in our rest with childlike faith and wonder, and so, be energized and equipped for faithful service.

Geoffrey Chang, Assistant Professor of Historical Theology and Curator of the Spurgeon Library, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri

What a wonderful addition to Kevin Belmonte’s fine books! I can’t recommend his work highly enough.

Michael D. McMullen, Professor of Church History, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri

The Prince of Preachers’ sense of humor comes through loud and clear … as he meticulously noted the beauty of The Artist’s created world everywhere he traveled.

Mary K. Mohler, Director, Seminary Wives Institute, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

The picture we get of Spurgeon from this collection is of an affectionate husband, a lover of nature, a faithful friend, a happy Christian, and a devoted worshipper of God. … a unique and welcome addition to the growing corpus of published material on the Prince of Preachers.

Alex DiPrima, Pastor, Emmanuel Church, Winston–Salem, North Carolina; Author, ‘Spurgeon and the Poor: How the Gospel Compels Christian Social Concern’

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