… I feel that anyone who picks up this book will be able to take away truly meaningful aspects of God’s Word that relate to their existence
Darci Roorda, Mom and educator
Have you ever wanted to help your children or grandchildren understand and defend their faith? This beautifully illustrated book will be a great resource to read with them.What a wonderful addition this book will be to the family library.
Jeannie Vogel, Bible Study Author and Women’s Ministry Consultant
… a good story, beautifully illustrated, with strong Christian teaching, well–rooted in Scripture, and rarest of all, it surveys a handful of apologetics topics … I trust many homes will be blessed by it.
John D. Ferrer, Equal Rights Institute and Norman Geisler International Ministries
The most important questions we can ask are the ones that challenge our faith. This book asks those questions and sketches biblically orthodox answers, with suggested further readings to provide still fuller answers. I highly recommend this book.
Bill Dembski, Author of many books on Intelligent Design
… I am convinced that we are waiting too long to begin teaching apologetics (knowing and defending Christian beliefs) to our children. This book is the best place to begin for addressing this urgent need, especially to parents who aren’t sure where to begin.
Jay Lucas, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church, Washington Courthouse, Ohio; author, ‘Ask Them Why’
Jeriah and Teresa, with the help of some beautiful illustrations from Emma, help answer nine of the basic questions that many children have. The format is accessible, the Scripture is taught, and room is left for further discussion. What more could you want?