… a rich resource of stories from WEC members around the world from which we can benefit and perhaps learn how to tell our stories to pass on in turn to others.
Alan Tower, National Director, Friends International
In a world preoccupied with the spectacular and superheroes, it is easy to lose sight of the wonderful work God is doing daily in different places. He works through ordinary people and often in ordinary ways. Read these simple stories and behold God’s matchless love and power.
Chopo Mwanza, Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Kitwe, Zambia
Like Mary Magdalene, who ran to tell the disciples she had seen the risen Christ, the faithful, ordinary men and women in Only One Life have seen Christ alive and at work in our day in the power of His rising—and are eager for us to see Him, too.
Tim Keesee, Director, Frontline Missions International; Executive Producer, ‘Dispatches from the Front’ film series; Author, ‘A Company of Heroes’
The WEC missionaries in this publication are an example for the rest of us because their obedience to God, lived out transculturally, offers those proofs – that the good news of Jesus is real, is good, and produces real change in our lives and the lives of others.