… eloquently surveys the explosive biblical doctrines restored to glorious color, and ecclesial practice, in Europe five centuries ago.
Owen Strachan, Provost and Professor of Theology, Grace Bible Theological Seminary, Conway, Arkansas
The work that was begun 500 years ago by the Reformers is just as needed today as then. If you want to understand the issues related to Roman Catholicism and the need to speak the truth in love to Catholics, I highly commend this book to you.
Justin Peters, Founder of Justin Peters Ministries
His clear and concise points remind the mature and educate the learning of God’s triumphant grace, and may also rescue some lost souls from the devil’s snares!
Gabriel Hughes, Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church, Lindale, TX; Creator and Voice of When We Understand The Text
… wonderfully demonstrates what every Christian needs at the forefront of their mind: you must be pro–Christ, pro–evangelism, pro–exposition, pro–Bible and more! My only ‘protest’ is that the book is too short!
Mike Abendroth, Pastor, Bethlehem Bible Church, Boylston, Massachusetts & Host of No Compromise Radio
What Pickowicz accomplishes is exceptional. Unlike many books written about the five solas, this one intentionally avoids Christian jargon, and would be a helpful evangelistic resource. It is direct but patient, clear but kind. Most of all it is persuasive.
Jesse Johnson, Lead Teaching Pastor at Immanuel Bible Church, Springfield, Virginia; Associate Dean of The Master’s Seminary in Washington, DC; and blogger at thecripplegate.com
Nate Pickowicz has done a masterful job in revisiting the importance of the Reformation and why Protestants need to keep contending for the Fives Solas that distinguish Roman Catholicism from Biblical Christianity.
Mike Gendron, Director of Proclaiming The Gospel
This is a refreshing and compelling presentation of the heart of Biblical Christianity: the five Solas of the Protestant Reformation. Such clear proclamation of Gospel truth is desperately needed in our age; we are led to rejoice in our great salvation, and warned of the dangers of deviating from this true path.
Bill James, Principal, London Seminary, London, UK
Nate Pickowicz does an excellent job of reminding us of the importance of the historic Reformation and pointing out our place in the long line of our gospel heritage.
Josh Buice, Pastor, Pray's Mill Baptist Church, Douglasville, Georgia
… we so desperately need that same Spirit of the Reformation to blow through our churches once again. May this introduction to those foundational tenets of evangelical religion be used of God to do just that.
Mike Riccardi, Pastor at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA; Assistant Professor of Theology, The Master’s Seminary; Author of Sanctification: The Christian’s Pursuit of God–Given Holiness
In the ecumenical movement (including Roman Catholicism, liberal Protestantism and sectors of Eastern Orthodoxy) there is a widespread sentiment that the Reformation is over. Our age resonates less and less with theological distinctions when thinking about ‘Christianity’. Pope Francis has suggested that Christianity is like a ‘polyhedron’ where everything is related with everything else with no criteria. I commend Nate Pickowicz’s book because it underlines the reality that the historical events of the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century were shaped by theological concerns that have permanent and on–going significance. Our age (and our churches) need to hear afresh why we are Protestant.