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Surviving the TrenchesKilling Sin Before Sin Kills You

Surviving the Trenches

Killing Sin Before Sin Kills You

Joe Barnard
  • £9.99
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Every man needs a battle plan against temptation and sin. Joe Barnard masterfully paints a pathway of how to go to war against sin—killing it—and he does so in a grace filled manner. This book will inspire men to proactively confront the hardest, yet most important fight of your life. Get ready, it just may change your life!

Josh Jordan, College Pastor, First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana

We men need a wakeup call to the deceitfulness of sin, the increasing dullness of the Christian soul, and the beauty of Christ and the joys of holiness. This book delivers on all counts.

Joe Smith, President, Strengthening the Church

Joe Barnard writes that Christian men today are alarmingly unprepared for the daily battle against the lusts and sinful desires in each man’s heart. His book Surviving the Trenches gives you hope that the victory over sin has already been won, but it underscores the deadliness of the battle to claim that victory as a daily personal experience. Surviving the Trenches deals honestly with the battle—it is difficult and dangerous, and there are no shortcuts for easy victories. As the Royal Navy maxim notes, ‘If you want peace, prepare for war.’ Joe’s book prepares men for the battle with an insight that is learned, biblical, challenging, and captivating. From 10 rules for the battle to the lies sin uses against all of us, Surviving the Trenches shoots straight with a clarity that is refreshing and informative. And you will understand the battle you are in and how to persevere to claim the victory Christ has won. You won’t be able to put this book down, and you can’t afford to miss its message.

Bobby Crotty , Men’s Equipping Director, Watermark Community Church, Dallas, Texas

… practical, clear, and deliberate. Mortifying sin is not a popular topic today, however, it is as important as ever. Without understanding and applying the principles contained in Matthew 5:27–30, the Christian will not make much progress in their pursuit of spiritual growth.

Abel Schafer , Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, Arkansas

With tactical clarity Barnard describes the Enemy’s devices and presents practical strategies for waging war with indwelling sin.  a call to spiritual arms that should be read by every Christian.

Reagan Rose, Founder of Redeeming Productivity

… appeals to the consciences of Christian men, offering them a sound biblical theology of sin as well as practical strategies for fighting it. The author targets four specific sins: pride, lust, vanity, and sloth. He exposes their deadliness, but also proclaims the hope every Christian man has in his all sufficient Saviour.

Charles M. Wingard, Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Dean of Students, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

Killing sin is a critical aspect of true discipleship that Christian men neglect at our peril. Here is wise and practical encouragement which, prayerfully and courageously applied, can change our lives for ever. An urgent call to arms!

Jonathan Lamb, Minister–at–large for Keswick Ministries, IFES Vice President, and former Director, Langham Preaching

… an acute guide to self–diagnosis and critically, sound measures by which to dispense with besetting sin and gain genuine spiritual health. This is a book for men who are fed up with therapeutic fluff and now want to walk the walk.

David Lyle Jeffrey, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Baylor Institute for Studies in Religion & Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities, Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Much more than a how–to guide for dealing with sin, Surviving the Trenches will transform your mindset about sin from mere life–management and problem–solving to what sin really is—a life–or–death battlefield.

Ken Boa, President, Reflections Ministries & author of several books including ‘Conformed to His Image’ and ‘Life in the Presence of God’

There is a time for straight talking. A time to grab the nettle. A time to rip–off the sticking plaster. This book is written in a similar vain. Joe tackles the subject of men waging war against sin, the flesh and the devil, head on. It is a guttural rallying cry to wake men up to the spiritual battle they are naively dawdling through. This book is very honest. The enemy may be devious, sin may be enslaving and despair may be felt, but the power of the Spirit, the truth of the Word, and the hope of the gospel are more than adequate to bolster resistance and bring renewal to even the most seemingly defeated of saints. I heartily recommend this jugular volume to all men. It will stiffen your spine, strengthen your arm and bring courage to your heart. This book is very hopeful.

Jonathan Gemmell, Director of Conferences and Resources, The Proclamation Trust, London

 Joe is helping us see that when we walk out into this culture every day, we are walking onto a battlefield. Armed with the gospel of Christ, we can be victorious!

Kent Evans, Author of ‘The Manhood Journey’ and Executive Director of Manhood Journey

… maintains that only God saves humanity from the clutches of sin yet perfectly explains how we play a role in waging war with the sin that never stops raging against us. I would highly recommend this book for anyone in a present battle with sin — and that’s pretty much everyone.

Vince Miller, President, Resolute Men’s Ministry and Bible Studies

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