… shows us that it all started with the denial of the existence of God, absolute morality, and universal truth. Instead, the world conjured up its own notions of truth and justice. The only antidote is to return to a biblical worldview, which Sharon very deftly lays out in the second half of her book. I highly recommend this work!
John MacArthur, Chancellor Emeritus, The Master’s University and Seminary and Pastor–Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California
… a remarkable feat: she addresses the lies that our culture currently exalts as truth and does so in a way that crosses the generational divide and will be helpful both to young people and those who wish to understand them and help them think through the deepest challenges of our day.
Carl R. Trueman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College, Pennsylvania
… a detailed but highly readable and valuable resource to help us engage with the people around us and contextualise the timeless truth of Jesus.
Graham Nicholls, Director, Affinity, Cambridge, UK
Anyone seeking to understand why society seems to be falling apart, and what we can do about it, needs to read this book. Highly recommended!
Wayne Grudem, Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, Arizona
Clearly and forcefully and in pursuit of a purpose of persuasion, James has given us a succinct analysis of today’s culture of death, how we got here, assurance that it will not have final victory, and clear guidance out of the bondage of these destructive lies.