As readers think through the myriad of issues tackled here, Dayspring MacLeod asks and answers the question of whether fruit can be harvested. Praise God, it can be. What an encouragement that is for us all.
Mary K. Mohler, Director, Seminary Wives Institute, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
You’ll want to read 10 Women Who Overcame Their Past and rejoice in our redeeming, victorious Lord and Savior, whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light.
Kristen Wetherell, Author of ‘Humble Moms’, ‘Fight Your Fears’ and co–author of ‘Hope When It Hurts’
Through these stories, we see women who overcame, but not in their own power and strength; rather, through the redemptive work of Christ on their behalf. In reading 10 Women, you’ll meet sisters in Christ whose lives and testimony both encourage and equip you to turn to Christ, the author and perfecter of your faith.
Christina Fox, Counselor, retreat speaker and author
The book provides no easy answers, but it shows how, in the real lives of real women, ways are found through the problems that present themselves to believers and how God is faithful to his promises even in the darkest of days.