I am deeply grateful for Dr. Kelly’s faithful ministry to the church in presenting us with this confessional and practical resource to help us more fully know and love our triune God and His beloved bride.
Burk Parsons, Senior Pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel, Sanford, Florida and Editor of Tabletalk magazine
He plumbs the depth of the Scriptures, dialogues with theologians throughout the ages, both east and west, and he shows the church how God in Christ through the Spirit has saved a people, the body of Christ, to live out their union with Christ. Readers will benefit from reading Dr Kelly’s labor of love—a love for our triune God and for the church.
J. V. Fesko, Harriet Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi; author, ‘Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the Classic Reformed Approach to Defending the Faith’
Here is a work that is clearly the fruit of a lifetime’s study and meditation. Dr Kelly guides us through the person and work of the Spirit, the doctrine of the church and the pattern of the Christian life, whilst somehow sacrificing neither depth nor readability.
Jonty Rhodes, Minister, Christ Church Central, Leeds, UK
… a thoroughly Trinitarian exploration of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church that is exegetically sharp, consistently readable, and deeply informed by the full breadth of the Christian tradition. In short, this is Reformed theology at its best.
Matthew C. Bingham, Lecturer in Systematic Theology and Church History, Oak Hill College, London
Douglas Kelly has produced an excellent, lucid exposition of Deuteronomy. He presents the message of the book in a clear and accessible way. Free from jargon and technicalities, while yet informed by scholarly discussion, this should be of great value for pastors and lay readers alike.