This is a treasure trove of rich reflection on the most important figure in history. From beginning to end, Jenny uncovers the beauty and relevance of Christ’s person and work. I know Jesus more truly, and love Him more deeply, because I read this book. Get two copies, read it with a friend, and marvel together at our King of glory.
Matt Smethurst, Editor, The Gospel Coalition
Jenny Manley has done a great job in this book of making accessible an important topic for every Christian today. This books lifts our gaze to how glorious and majestic Christ is, and it will help you worship Him more. I am grateful for this book and know that it will be a great resource for ladies either on their own or in groups.
Greg Gilbert, Senior Pastor, Third Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky, Author of What is the Gospel?
… the choicest treasure in the stores of heaven to enrich the church on earth—Jesus Christ Himself. Make no mistake about it, there is theology here—deep theology—but it is made easier to understand through anecdotes and study questions. You will be enriched by it!
Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Kabwata, Zambia; Founding Chancellor, African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia
Jesus Christ is the most glorious person you will ever know. The better you know Him the more you will love Him. Jenny Manley will help you know and worship Christ more as she draws the reader deep into the life and work of Christ. This book is full of deep theology and yet, it is an easy read as it stirs your heart and soul along with your mind. I recommend that every woman should read The Doctrine of Christ, for Every Woman … and then pass it on to other women and men, so that they will grow in their love for Christ, too.
Matthias Lohman, Pastor, The Free Evangelical Church Munich, Germany
… biblically faithfully and theologically astute teaching about Jesus Christ, but at the same time the book is wonderfully clear and accessible. I rejoice to find a book about Jesus that is theologically profound and practically applicable which the ordinary person can understand.
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
… excellent … In this careful biblical and theological study of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, Jenny explains the glory of the incarnation and the power and wisdom of the cross that will serve the church well. If you want to grow in your knowledge, love, and trust of Jesus, then this book is a must read.
Stephen J. Wellum, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
… my heart was warmed as I read about the Lord who suffered and died for me and not only wants me to grow in my relationship with Him, but continues to apply the benefits of His death to make it happen.