With so many books on discipleship being written, do men really need one more? Well, they do need a discipleship book that doesn’t rehash much of the same content, which is why men would do well to pick this up. In many ways, this is unlike most discipleship books. It imparts passion (like most) and encourages leadership (also like most), but this book provides men with a clear direction that many seem to lack. I plan to get this in the hands of my friends and work through it together.
John Perritt, Director of Resources, Reformed Youth Ministries, Ridgeland, Mississippi
Read moreAs a pastor with a great desire to build men for the body of Christ, I was thrilled to read Joe Barnard’s book, The Way Forward. It is a very practical discipleship itinerary aimed at men, and in doing so addresses one of the great needs of our day. This book is packed full of gospel wisdom which edified me and will serve an individual Christian man or a church men’s ministry. Buy it. Read it. Be transformed by it.
Gavin Peacock, Former professional footballer and Director of International Outreach, The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.