This marvelous volume is a readable, accessible compendium of many of the questions we’ve always had but had not dared ask. David Robertson, with his candid, thoroughly biblical, winsome approach, reassures us that there are reasonable and convincing answers to each of them. I wish I had been given a book like this when I was a young Christian. I highly recommend it not only for teens but for all ages.
William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you’re a teenager trying to follow Jesus it is more than likely that you’ve asked most of the 52 question that David Robertson tries to answer. These are real questions and David doesn’t fudge the answers. Like a friend of mine who worked with young people, he doesn’t think he is the fount of all knowledge so, whatever the question, he begins by finding a Bible passage that speaks to the issue and roots his answer there. This is not just an AMA (ask me anything) session. This is; what does God’s word have to say? Then when he gives his answer he asks us to pray. That’s is because we’re not dealing with theoretical or academic concepts. These questions are real and affect our lives. They turn us to God in worship and thanks and encourage us to bring our concerns to him.
David Robertson is real. He talks about his own experience and the struggles he has gone through. And he is never boring; always getting to the point and not confusing us with jargon. It’s not going to give you easy answers but they are satisfying.
You can dip into this book or read it through. If you’re serious about following Jesus it will not only strengthen your faith but it will equip you to speak confidently to others about it.
Andy Bathgate, Chief Executive, Scripture Union, Scotland.
I do Christian music for little kids. Kids grow up. They ask questions. Big, blunt, sharp questions that really matter. And they want straight answers they can trust. That’s what this book is all about. Christian kids need God’s word to shape the way they’ll walk into a wide, challenging, questioning world. My job is done. Time for David Robertson to lead you on, to answer your REAL WORLD questions with his brave, straight, REAL WORD answers.
Colin Buchanan, Christian Children's Recording artist and author, Sydney, Australia
A.S.K. answers common questions asked by average teenagers from around the world. Mr Robertson candidly answers hot button questions that teens struggle with including racism, same sex marriage, and gender identity disorder. This is a helpful book that constantly points to the Bible as a lifeline on how to cope with peers, prejudice, and social media.
Esther Nixon, A high school freshman from the United States who loves music and playing instruments, especially piano!
The questions posed by teenagers are often more honest, practical and down–to–earth than the average adult. David Robertson takes them seriously by being just as straight–talking and practical in response. Young people, youth leaders and parents will all be helped by the wide range of issues tackled in this timely book.