Who more deserves a festschrift than Dr. Joel Beeke for his industry, piety, family life, soundness, catholic spirit, evangelism and warm outgoing personality?
Geoff Thomas, Conference Speaker and author, Aberystwyth, Wales
It is a pleasure to commend this series of essays in Reformed theology and piety. Each of the essays focus on areas of Reformed doctrine and practice dear to Joel Beeke’s heart and dear to Christians who prize experiential divinity.
Ian Hamilton, President, Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Newcastle, UK
… this varied collection of high quality essays will add to the corpus of material which will inform, educate and stimulate further interest in Puritan study.
Iver Martin, Principal, Edinburgh Theological Seminary, Edinburgh, Scotland
… full of biblical wisdom, robust theological reflection, and warm and inviting piety.
Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, Florida; author, ‘Track: A Student’s Guide to Apologetics’
The teaching here has a balance central in Joel’s mind and heart, for not only is it instructive in enriching our thinking, but these chapters are also warm enough to inflame our hearts and motivate our actions, moving us to live out what we have understood.