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Prone to WanderGrace for the Lukewarm and Apathetic

Prone to Wander

Grace for the Lukewarm and Apathetic

Natalie Brand
  • £6.99
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The good news of the gospel is that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus is prone to restore his prone to wander sons and daughters. If you’re prone to wander (and who isn’t) or know someone who is (and who doesn’t) read and share this book.

C. L. Chase, Author of Grace–Focused Optimism

The drum–beat of Prone to Wander is: God pursues his children. Natalie makes it clear that backsliding is the result of sin, but lifts God up as compassionate to sinners. She uses helpful biblical and contemporary illustrations to explain why we slide and gives gospel comfort and practical tips to end the descent. Are you running from God like Jonah? Are you weighed down with sorrow and suffering like Job? Are you, like David, desperate because of your own sin? Pick up this book and find help for your soul.

Keri Folmar, Author, Delighting in the Word Bible Study series and ‘The Good Portion: Scripture’; co–host of Priscilla Talk podcast

Natalie writes as a friend talking to a friend, balancing personal honesty and sympathy with the wisdom and challenge of Biblical truth. This book did my soul good. As one who is ‘prone to wander’ it engaged my mind, warmed my heart, and redirected my steps towards the God I love.

Jane McNabb, Conference speaker and Chair of London Women’s Convention

Natalie’s gospel–filled warnings mix clarity with compassion. I hope many will be kept from shipwreck by the earthy wisdom of this book.

Joel Virgo, Senior Pastor, Emmanuel Church, Brighton, UK

One of the most perceptive and influential books I have ever read, Prone to Wander touches on the innermost conflicts of the Christian life. But Natalie Brand does more. She comes along side us, pointing out that we are not alone in the battle and that there is a ‘way of escape’ giving us hope and renewed confidence in the power of the cross.

Faith Cook, author of Troubled Journey, Derbyshire, England

Our sinful hearts incline us to turn away from the Lord, and we find ourselves spiritually in the wastelands.  This little book is a winsome word to believers who struggle or stray, to return to Christ the friend of sinners.  Help is given in diagnosing our spiritual need, pointing us to Christ, and taking practical steps for a more constant walk with the Lord. Warmly commended!

Bill James, Principal, London Seminary, London, UK

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