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Time Out!The gift or god of Youth Sports

Time Out!

The gift or god of Youth Sports

John Perritt
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… a biblically balanced and theologically informed view of how involvement in sports can affect our families. He brings the perspective of an experienced youth pastor who has seen both the benefits and the pitfalls of athletics as he seeks to help young people and their parents set wise priorities. 

Jim Newheiser, Director of the Christian Counseling Program and Associate Professor of Counseling and Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina

John Perritt is exceptionally empathetic yet unflinchingly honest and uncompromisingly biblical. I believe this book will spur many teens and their families to find more joy in sports as they find ultimate satisfaction in the Creator of sports.

Jaquelle Crowe, Author of ‘This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years’

Never have I read such a well–grounded, gospel–centered critique of youth sports culture as it exists today. While a difficult reality to face, I hope this book will spur us on to change for the betterment of our kids’s souls, and to his glory.

Kristen Hatton, Author of ‘Exodus: The Gospel–Centered Life for Students’, ‘Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World’ & ‘Get Your Story Straight’

With clarity and clear theological insight, John unpacks and provides a balanced response to key issues. Importantly, the author also recognises the importance of celebrating sport as a gift and as a source of physical, emotional and spiritual well–being. This book will make you think more critically about ‘youth sports’, while still celebrating them as a God–given gift.”

Nick J. Watson, Associate Professor of Sport and Social Justice, York St John University, York, UK

Every church engaging in sports ministry needs to have this book as a resource for setting clear and gospel–focused guidelines. Perritt has done a considerable service in addressing the key issues in short compass and providing biblical answers.

Derek W. H. Thomas, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina

It is with great heart and sincerity that John Perritt offers this challenge to the idolatry of youth sports.  Wisely navigating both the glory and the depravity of our current cultural moment, he invites us to consider more thoughtful and intentional discipleship relating to their participation.

Liz Edrington, Counselor, Summit Counseling Center, Tennessee

Here we learn afresh that sport is God‘s good idea, and meant to be stewarded for his glory and our joy. Let us not “forge a new god” to quote the author, by uncritically adopting the idol worship of contemporary sports culture. John’s work will cause you to think, and may it be hoped, to change!

Carl H. Kalberkamp, Senior Pastor, Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church, Ridgeland, Mississippi

Some athletes, even Christian ones, fall into the trap of glorifying themselves rather than God, and thanking Him for wins but not losses. John Perritt’s well–written look at stewardship in sports gets it right: Time Out! can show parents, coaches, and athletes how to use sports to win victories in life. 

Marvin Olasky, Editor in Chief, World Magazine

If Jesus Christ is truly the Lord of all of life, then it’s necessary for us to follow Him into the sphere of sport … playing, parenting, and spectating to His glory. John Perritt offers thoughtful Gospel–grounded guidance for how to engage with God’s good gift of play.

Walt Mueller, President, Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

Treading the only safe path between iconoclasm and idolatry, John Perritt shows us how to celebrate the beauty and goodness of sports as a gift of God’s common grace without finding our identity in them. He calls us to a life of discipleship that adore the Lord who gives us all things richly to enjoy, as we play our favorite sport to the glory of God.

David Strain, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi

One of the questions I receive most often from parents is, ‘How much is too much for my children to be involved in sports?’ This book doesn’t offer easy solutions, but it does provide the wisdom that parents need to drive them to God’s Word as they decide how sports can be used for God’s glory in their children’s lives.

Timothy Paul Jones, Professor of Apologetics & Director, Center for Christian Apologetics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

Perspective, we are often told, is everything. In this helpful book John Perritt helps Christians, and especially Christian parents, to put sports into perspective—a Christian perspective. This book is a very helpful contribution to a conversation Christians must eagerly engage

R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

This is a clear, concise and compassionate book that insightfully probes to the heart of an important issue in our day – a Christian attitude to sports. Sport is good but it is not God. Writing with sound biblical theology, vibrant illustrations, memorable quotes and helpful practical application, John Perritt has made a significant contribution to this topic. It’s a must read!

Gavin Peacock, Former professional footballer and Director of International Outreach, The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

With wit, wisdom, and exegesis, Perritt presents a deeper, more theologically–sound understanding of the world of athletics. He lifts the reader’s gaze to the impact of the gospel and themes of eternity. If you’re involved or you have children involved in youth sports, this will be a helpful guide to thinking more biblically about it.

Brian H. Cosby, Pastor, Wayside Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, Tennessee

The theological insights challenge us to see our sports experiences in light of God’s Story: his good creation, people’s rebellion, Jesus’ provision of redemption, and God’s promise of final restoration

Tasha Chapman, Author of ‘Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving’ & Professor of Educational Ministries, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis

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