Welty tackles the question well with balance, biblical faithfulness, and helpful insights.... I was personally edified by this work and I am glad to commend it.
Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina
With clarity and concision, Greg Welty provides a penetrating look at the existence of good and evil in the world, the harsh reality of sin and suffering in our lives, and the role of our righteous, loving, and sovereign God over all. Whether you are a Christian or sceptic of Christianity, this book is sure to aid you.
Burk Parsons, Senior Pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel, Sanford, Florida and Editor of Tabletalk magazine
Dr. Welty’s Why is There Evil? wrestles with one of the deep mysteries of our faith, recognizing our own limitations and calling us to bow down before our sovereign Lord. Reading this book will cause you to think deeply and to worship reverently.
James M. Renihan, Dean and Professor of Historical Theology, Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies, Escondido, California
Clear, logical, precise, and yet accessible ... Welty does not offer nonbiblical explanations for our world's pain and suffering. He gives Scripture's response.
Mark R. Talbot, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois
The author does justice both to divine sovereignty and to the reality of human evil.
Paul Helm, Emeritus Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London
Greg Welty has written the book I'd always wanted to read on the problem of evil. Faithful to the Biblical witness ... gentle and sensitive ... this book should be of interest and benefit to believer and atheist alike.
Daniel Hill, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
This is serious work and seriously outstanding. Highly recommended!
David Robertson, Well–known pastor and apologist
This book will have to be taken seriously by all who see the problem of evil as a strangle-hold on Christian truth.
K. Scott Oliphint, Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This book is clear, even conversational in its style, but it is a deeply thoughtful, profound analysis. It can be of great philosophical and pastoral help to people who are concerned about this question.
John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
Deep enough for philosophers and accessible enough for the person in the pew, this volume provides reassurance that God really does work all things for good.
Michael J. Kruger, President and Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
Dr. Welty doesn't duck the hard questions, but answers them in a way that ordinary Christians can understand and then apply in their discussions with unbelievers.