Heart-wrenchingly honest and immensely helpful all at the same time.
Liam Garvie, Associate Pastor, Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland
Read this moving story. Learn the valuable lessons that will transform how you care for your pastor as well as the hurting people in your church. Most of all, marvel at the grace of God and how God redeems the most tragic and heartbreaking moments of our lives for our good and His glory.
Brian Croft, Pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky and Founder, Practical Shepherding
This work is solid gold. Read it. Apply it. You and those around you will be glad you did.
Timothy K. Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
This little book ... overflows with grace as we hear another testimony of the gospel's power to rescue each of us from our sin
Paul Tautges, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church, Cleveland, Ohio and Author of ‘Comfort the Grieving’
About good news in pain, hope in anguish, and power in reconciliation. You cannot read this book without loving God and His church even more.
Chuck Lawless, Dean and Vice-President of Graduate Studies and Ministry Centers, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Every soul is broken by personal sin and the consequences of others' sin and every Christian is called to minister to broken souls, beginning with his or her own. Carroll's book is a consecrated prescription to follow.
Paul Chitwood, President, International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
You will shed tears of joy over the healing power of Christ and the astonishing love of God's people for a heart-broken 12-year-old boy.