In this valuable little book we are given a brief account of the life of Martin Luther. In addition, we have the fascinating story of his wife, 'my lord Katie'. Not only did Luther love his Katie dearly, he relied on her advice and companionship throughout his turbulent life. Packed into this record, we have insights into Luther's character: his boldness, his depressions, his family life and, most of all, his devotion to Katie. We learn of the joys and sorrows of their lives and of Katie's intelligent interest in all the theological arguments of the day. Read Luther and his Katie and it will give you a grasp of the life and influence of the great Reformer, and may well lead you on to more detailed books on Luther's enormous contribution to the church in this special year.
Faith Cook, Evangelical Times
This is the first time that I have delved into any Luther literature and I was not disappointed. Luther was greatly blessed by the partnership he enjoyed with Katie. One is left wondering if Luther would have achieved all that he did without the help of his Katie. This is an interesting read but tinged with sadness. I would highly recommend it to those wishing to understand the man Martin Luther and what made him who he was.