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1, 2, 3 JohnA Mentor Expository Commentary

1, 2, 3 John

A Mentor Expository Commentary

Terry L. Johnson
  • £22.99 £17.24
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Dr Johnson's expositions help bring John's message home to us. His commentary has several evident strengths. The words of John are not only explained, but illustrated and applied. The structure of each chapter is clear and the style accessible. The book is also enriched by quotations from other expositors.

David Campbell, Evangelical Times

Terry L. Johnson is a sober-minded careful expositor of the Word of God, but he is no dry academician. He carefully examines each passage in its context and seeks to understand both its meaning and its application to life.

Roland S. Barnes, Senior Pastor,Trinity Presbyterian Church, Statesboro, Georgia

Terry Johnson once again proves his faithfulness to God's Word via crisp, accurate exposition and targeted application ... Every student of expository preaching should be familiar with the expositions of Terry Johnson.

Claude McRoberts, Senior Minister, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, Alabama

... Terry Johnson's work on these Epistles to be one of the very best and most accurate expositions of the meaning of these letters. I wish I had had this volume when I last preached through I John some five years ago!

Douglas F. Kelly, Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina

With so many commentaries on the market today, anyone entering this field with a new publication must add something a little special. In this commentary on the three letters of John, Terry Johnson does just that. It is succinct, straightforward, relevant, encouraging and theological.

Brian H. Edwards, Evangelicals Now

Terry Johnson loves the Bible. He also loves speaking directly, fearlessly and with great clarity. This excellent commentary on the Epistles of John demonstrates this.

Tom Cannon, National Coordinator, Reformed University Fellowship, Lawrenceville, Georgia

... provides well-researched, always orthodox, consistently relevant, faithful expositions of Scriptures. This commentary is no exception. Pastors and church members of all ages and locales will be grateful for this exemplary commentary.

David W. Hall, Senior Minister, Midway Presbyterian Church, Powder Springs, Georgia

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