... an outstanding book on the issue of men and women's roles as determined by God's grand design ... compelling, thoroughly biblical, and God-honoring.
Martha Peace, Certified Biblical Counselor and author of The Excellent Wife
What a great and timely book on the issue of the role and function of men and women. Concise and biblical, it deals with everything from marriage, manhood, womanhood, transgender and, of course, homosexuality; all issues facing Bible believing Christians in our day.
Mez McConnell, Pastor, Niddrie Community Church and Ministry Director of 20Schemes
In a culture being tossed by the winds of secularism, this book is a beacon pointing us back to God's glorious design for men and women. It is clear, accessible, and compelling and will be a blessing to those who take its truths to heart.
GraceAnna Castleberry, Wife, Mother, Blogger
Our culture is desperate for men, for them to be Christlike husbands and fathers. This book joins the great cause of meeting that need, and you'll be glad you read it.
James M. Hamilton Jr., Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
... Finally, we have a right-sized book to answer the questions men and women are asking or need to ask. Gavin Peacock and Owen Strachan are skilled and gracious communicators and it is a joy to see The Grand Design in print. May it find its way into the hands of every man and woman on the planet.
Jason G. Duesing, Provost and Professor of Historical Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri
Confusion abounds today on what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman. Peacock and Strachan put feet on the biblical teaching.
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
Owen Strachan and Gavin Peacock are reliable guides for the necessary return to biblical fidelity on one of our society's central confusions. Christian, you need to read this book.
Heath Lambert, Executive Director, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC); Author, A Theology of Biblical Counseling
This book has many strengths. It provides a survey of significant biblical passages that defend the main contours of complementarianism and strongly locates gender distinction within the context of God's design for humanity. It invites its readers to delight in a doctrine that is often thought of as restrictive (especially for women). Above all, the authors' encouragement to men and women to pursue Christ is vivid through prose that can often only be described as breathless.
John R. Gilhooly, Cedarville University Cedarville, Ohio - Writing for The Gospel Coalition
... While you may not agree with every line, The Grand Design will encourage and empower you in living for God as the person God made you to be.
Nigel Beynon, Director of Word Alive, London
While many evangelicals compromise, or wear 'gospel only' blinkers, this book refuses to avoid any of the issues. With clarity, compassion and cultural awareness the authors have skilfully crafted a Biblical manual which will richly reward study and equip caring Christians to navigate contemporary society and reach out to our generation.
John Benton, Director of Pastoral Support, The Pastors’ Academy, London Seminary, London, UK
In an age so confused about identity and relationships between men and women, Strachan and Peacock have written an easily accessible and theologically clear must-read.
Thomas White, President, Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio
The point of conflict in the cultural war, the place where the armies collide is clear. It is cosmic confusion over gender, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. In Grand Design Peacock and Strachan have done the church an immense service. They have provided God's people with a valuable weapon, Truth! Read this little volume. It is a cup of cold water and in a dry and arid wasteland of lies and confusion.
William P. Farley, Pastor, Grace Christian Fellowship, Spokane, Washington
... In an unprecedented way, there is confusion in the church about what it means to be created male and female ... For anyone beginning to search for answers to the epic questions of our age, Strachan and Peacock offer the way forward.
Clint Humfrey, Senior Pastor, Calvary Grace Church, Calgary, Alberta
We live in an age characterized by confusion on gender and sexuality ... Strachan and Peacock have provided a careful and faithful account of Scripture's vision for sexuality and gender. This book is urgently needed.
R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
... provides an emphatically complementarian exposition of Scripture's teaching on what it means to be man or woman, with particular focus on the home and the church. The authors are not afraid to confront and contradict secular consensus on the issues that arise ... a challenging and practical volume which will repay careful study.
Robert Strivens, Pastor, Bradford–on–Avon Baptist Church, Wiltshire, UK & former Principal, London Seminary
... Owen Strachan and Gavin Peacock are calling us to see again the beauty of God's design for male and female. This is a timely and needed book.
Denny Burk, Professor of Biblical Studies, Boyce College, Louisville, Kentucky
Read, rejoice, and realign through the fogless clarity of this book. It will change your life, and you'll give praise to God that it has.
Bruce Ware, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky & author of ‘Big Truths for Young Hearts’
Strachan and Peacock don't simply defend a view of men and women that is traditional but now counter-cultural. They show it is beautiful.
Andy Naselli, Associate Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology, Bethlehem College and Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
In this short book they've laid out how biblical complementarity in the home and church is both good and glorious. I wish every Christian would read and apply The Grand Design.