Vance Christie has done an excellent job on Murray's life... This is a fine, relatively brief volume on a huge subject, and I find it accurate and edifying. I shall recommend it to my classes, and to some of the conferences where I speak.
Douglas F. Kelly, Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
Andrew Murray, though dead, still speaks to us in this charming volume. Walk with this great evangelist through the years of preparation, great success in ministry, and struggles with sickness. May this book introduce a new generation to the life of this man of God, and stimulate faith that the God of Murray is also our God and can lead us also to faithful and fruitful service.
Adrian Warnock, Author of Raised with Christ and Hope Reborn and prolific blogger at adrianwarnock.com
... an edifying book on a model Protestant saint. May God use it to revive His church today.