...looking even more thoroughly, more widely, and by using modern bibliographic aids, he has uncovered a good number of revivals not mentioned in earlier surveys... inspires us as we turn to God in our present needs. I recommend this book wholeheartedly.
Robert Owen Evans, Revival historian, astronomer and retired minister of the Uniting Church in Australia
Do not find comfort in nostalgia, but rather as you read these pages may they be an instrument in the hand of Almighty God by which we are "made to wrestle with God for His promised presence, for his Spirit and blessing."
Kenny Borthwick, Minister, Holy Trinity Church, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh
Three hundred years, 500 pages, a small country, many souls converted - this book is alive with the sound and news of revival. How I long to see revival again. Reading this will whet your appetite and renew your desire for God to do a new work in our day.
R. T. Kendall, Previous minister of Westminster Chapel, London
Land of Many Revivals is an exceptional work and will rank as one of the greatest research resources available on revivals in Scotland. This stirring work simply has to provoke even the hardest skeptic to think again about the intervention of an Almighty God in the affairs of the nations, particularly Scotland. Certainly, this is a noteworthy and timely work.
Michael T. Howard, Founder and Principal of The Kalibu University of Divinity and Revival; International revivalist
Tom Lennie treats us to a careful and well-written chronicle of thirty-three decades of God's amazing grace manifested in revival power in Scotland between 1527 and 1857. Tom shows how, in all but one of these decades, a revival movement of some significance arose in some corner of Scotland. Throughout the period covered, every single county of Scotland was touched by the Spirit of God at least once and most counties were touched on numerous occasions. Check out from the contents pages when and where God was at work in revival power in your area and be encouraged to pray for further outpourings of the Spirit in these spiritually needy days.
Hector Morrison, Principal, Highland Theological College, Dingwall
...I know of no work covering the same ground at the same depth... challenging, inspiring and informative. This book is a classic to be added to any literature on the subject of revival.
Brian H. Edwards, Lecturer & Theologian, Author of Revival and Can We Pray For Revival?
...a historically accurate, theologically framed and inspirationally written page turner documenting the multiple and varied Holy Spirit sent and Gospel saturated revivals in the land of Scotland.
Harry L. Reeder III, (1948 – 2023) Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
This volume amply fulfils the promise of its title by surveying the vast range of religious revivals enjoyed in Scotland down to 1857. Tom Lennie has identified them with care and chronicled them with great sympathy.
David Bebbington, Professor of History, University of Stirling, Stirling
...For any student of historic revival and Christian biography this book is a must read and will yield extensive knowledge of God's works of grace in that great land of the Reformation, as well as inspiration to cry out to God to do such great works again.