In this volume Dr Reymond offers a substantial and clear defence of the traditional Christian assertion that the Bible represents Jesus as the Divine Messiah. In an age when this claim is debated by many and dismissed by some, the first part of this volume re-examines many of the messianic texts of the Old Testament. The second part looks at how the New Testament authors regarded Jesus and drew on the Old Testament material to show that Jesus was indeed the long-expected Messiah and was himself Divine. This is an inspiring and challenging work from a strong evangelical scholar. It is a worthy summary of the biblical evidence that Jesus is the Divine Messiah and offers an excellent resource for all evangelicals seeking to defend this vital biblical teaching.
Paul Gardner, Senior Minister, Christ Church Presbyterian, Atlanta, Georgia
... a book that ought to grace every minister's bookshelf. With the substance wrestled down from head to heart, this is a book to help and inspire believers at all stage of their lives and pilgrimages.
The Banner of Truth Magazine
This volume displays a truly impressive breadth of scholarship, and is a consistently conservative summary of the biblical evidence as well as the critical arguments at every conceivable point of importance in the contemporary christological debate. The book is thorough, competent, and orthodox; it brings together in one volume much helpful material for the convenience of both teacher and student.
Robert Strimple, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, California
Dr Reymond has produced a massive analysis of the biblical witness to the deity of Jesus, the Messiah. He takes great care to analyse various critical views of recent vintage and to show how they fail to give us a consistent picture of Christ. Probably not since H.P. Liddon's The Divinity of our Lord (1867) has such a massive defence of the deity of Jesus appeared in print. Dr Reymond worthily functions in the train of G. Vos, B.B. Warfield, and J.G. Machen.
Roger Nicole, (1915-2010) Professor of Theology, Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
Dr Reymond has given us a magnificent study of the biblical teaching about Jesus Christ. He has patiently sifted through a mass of evidence and has demonstrated the strength of the case for seeing Jesus as indeed the divine Messiah. Dr Reymond has an impressive acquaintance with the literature on the subject, and he has not shirked the difficult issues. He has rendered a service to the whole church in dealing so thoroughly with the evidence and giving his up-to-date assessment of its significance.
Leon Morris (1914-2006), Late Principal of Ridley College, Melbourne
Robert L. Reymond is a major evangelical theologian. The systematic theologians whose theological works are not only the most reliable but also the most deeply satisfying are those who are equally at home in biblical studies. One thinks, for instance, of superb exegetes like John Calvin and Charles Hodge, whose commentaries are as valuable as their theological works. Christian Focus are to be congratulated for their publication of two impressive volumes by Professor Reymond in the realm of biblical studies, his books on Paul and on John, and now for publishing this robust presentation of the evidence for the divine messiahship of Jesus. The range of scholarship is extensive, and there is no exegetical or theological nettle that he hesitates to grasp here. He never fudges an issue and the reader is left in no doubt as to what his own view is on any of the issues he handles. His opening chapter, in which he deals with present denials of the deity of Jesus, is of special value, and I would make it required reading for every theological student.