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A Christian's Evangelistic Pocket Guide to Islam

A Christian's Evangelistic Pocket Guide to Islam

Malcolm Steer
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This is a very good companion to Patrick Sookhdeo's short Pocket Guide to Islam. It will give Christians a clearer understanding of Islamic beliefs and practices. It will also help them to understand some of the misunderstandings that Muslims have regarding Christianity. These issues include the view that because of the doctrine of the Trinity, Christians believe in three gods! There is also the perception that many Muslims have, of Christianity as a Western religion. Misunderstandings like these, as well as others are dealt with by Steer. The book finishes with a couple of chapters, which will help Christians as they seek to share their faith with Muslims in the right manner.
The author has lived and worked in an Islamic country for a number of years, and has since been involved in a ministry to Muslim people in the U.K. and Europe. He is therefore, ideally placed to write this work. It is a brief book, but I think it is a valuable guide for Christians to have. It should help them to be better equipped for reaching out to Muslims in society today.

Andrew Young, Fraserburgh (currently residing in Bridgend).

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