Offers sound, practical advice for those relocating, whether in this country or abroad... also a valuable tool for those engaged in pastoral ministry at any level, or who find themselves helping friends and family. It is refreshing to have a book on a topic rarely tackled in Christian circles, but one that affects many of us at some stage in our lives.
Evangelicals Now
"Students, missionaries, pastors and pastor's wives, transferred employees, and mothers a long way from grandmothers many of us experience homesickness. Rebecca VanDoodewaard has written a book full of sympathy and wisdom for them all. She has both felt homesick and helped others feeling it in university and seminary settings. Her book guides us through the pitfalls and opportunities of leaving behind the precious and familiar. Above all, it gently reminds Christians that on earth they are always pilgrims on their way to a heavenly home, the only true paradise."
Joel R. Beeke, Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Much of this book reads as a manual for life situations, giving very good advice on a number of areas, including the need for spiritual preparation prior to moving; farewelling people and the need to prioritise; meditating on God's word; the importance of the church family; taking action rather than moping; and avoiding bitterness and laziness."
Mairi Harman, Ocean Grove, Australia
"Her advice is practical, centered on Christ and biblically sound with examples from her own experience and great saints of old beautifully weaved throughout the book. This book will encourage women in all stages of life to, not only survive a move, but to thrive in a new home."