"What a great blessing it is for the church to regain clarity about the message of Revelation! Kelly's commentary will prove invaluable in restoring this vital message to the pulpits of our churches and the lives of suffering believers."
Richard D. Phillips, Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, South Carolina
The church, including the Western church and the global South, need to read the book of Revelation now more than ever. Let Douglas Kelly be your guide. I commend the book and I commend the publisher for such a time as this.
Michael A. Milton, President and Senior Fellow at D. James Kennedy Institute for Christianity and Culture
"The beauty, fragrance, majesty, grace and omnipotent power of 'the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world' has at times all but overwhelmed me! Revelation is primarily about Jesus Christ; He is the hero of all ages. Satan, though real enough, is finally a minor note in this divinely orchestrated symphony. My zeal has never been so much for any millennial theory, as it is for HIM, and going through this Apocalypse has only increased that zeal."
Douglas F. Kelly, Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
Written from a semi-preterist point of view, Dr. Kelly provides both theological and pastoral insights of great consequence to John's apocalyptic vision that often puzzles its readers. Highly recommended.