George Whitefield’s voice was the envy of many a professional actor.
He could hold a crowd’s attention like no other. But although he had wanted to be an actor as a young boy George’s voice was used for greater things. After coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal saviour George went on to preach to many people in the United Kingdom, America and the world. He was the first to preach to the slaves of the United States. And it is estimated that he spoke more than 18,000 sermons during his life.
The Trailblazer’s series collects great stories from Christians of the past and delivers them to the young people of today. This gripping and astonishing story from Lucille Travis will challenge young readers to trust God as George Whitefield did.
A well–known and long–standing series:
- Over 50 titles
- Great for ages 9 to 14
- Published in 14 languages
- Half a million books sold
- Also available in box sets when one book is not enough! 7 themed box sets, each with 5 books
Each biography follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.
Each book features:
- Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today
- Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject

About Lucille Travis
Lucille Travis is the author of several children's books and delights in encouraging young writers. A former college lecturer, she has also been a storyteller in Awana clubs and has held children's writing workshops.